
[2017-18-w] Meeting 2

  • Place : xxxxxx
  • Date : 3-February-2018
  • Time : xxxxxx

List of talks :

  1. Tushant Mittal : To be decided
  2. Abhibhav Garg : To be decided
  3. Prannay Khosla : Arthur - Merlin complexity classes and the beauty of Arthur Merlin interactive proof systems.

[2017-18-w] Meeting 1

  • Place : KD-101
  • Date : 27-January-2018
  • Time : 0433pm

List of talks :

  1. Anurag Sahay : Roth’s theorem is a special case of Szemeredi’s theorem, which loosely states that every dense enough subset of the integers must have a non-trivial arithmetic progression of length 3. We will consider the historical background for this theorem and its many proofs, and discuss some proof ideas.